Our Family Then

 a genealogical history of our family

218 viewable people on file
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I want to thank everyone for their contributions to this project, please know some details are restricted to all non authorized users,family members who are living and their birthdays if known are restricted and not listed in the drop down menu. If you are a registered user you can view these details, accounts will be created by me as needed. If you want to make an addition, correction or require an account, please fill out this form.

Note: Some dates in place are based on best data available via vital record search and will be revised as more accurate data becomes available.

To truly understand our path forward we need to know from where we came.
God Bless - Puchie

Site Statistics
Area Number
Viewable People On File 349
Census records 0
Images 117
Document Transcripts 42
Random Image
At his house in Ponce, PR
Enrique (ChuColo) Martinez
Upcoming Anniversaries
Births Date Anniversary
Hilda Christina Voluntad Elmore 12/15/0000 2024 years
Last 20 People Updated
Person Updated
Ada Ortiz Rodriguez 02/19/2018
Thelma Felicitas Martinez 02/12/2016
Patricio (Pat) Martinez 02/12/2016
Magdalena Almodovar Martinez 02/12/2016
Pastor (Pop) Martinez 02/12/2016
Henry (Hank) Martinez 08/16/2014
Rita Rodriguez Torres 05/28/2014
Eda Christina Diaz 12/03/2012
Sixta Almodovar 06/26/2012
Abelardo Almodovar 06/26/2012
Alejandrina Almodovar 06/26/2012
Evangelia Almodovar 06/26/2012
Guillerma Almodovar 06/26/2012
Juan Almodovar 06/26/2012
Florentino Almodovar 06/26/2012
Cristoba Rodriguez 04/18/2011
Juana Santos Almodovar 04/06/2011
Inocencio Santos 04/06/2011
Juana de Jesus Santos 04/06/2011
Silverio Almodovar 04/06/2011

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