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Emilio (Cucho) Vasquez

Picture from the 80's
Emilio Vasquez

David Torres Jr.

David Jr.

Brayden Zulik


Lydia Martinez Acer

Avelino & Lydia

Ana Martinez

Carmens House Ponce, PR

Enrique (ChuColo) Martinez

At his house in Ponce, PR
Ponce Puerto Rico
Chucolo, Puchie, Gildo

Rita Rodriguez Torres (Born 05/24/0000)

Wedding Day
Rita & Carlos
Carlos & Rita
Over The Threshold
Surprise party for Rita on her 88 th. B-Day
Rita's Party

Betsy Otero Garcia (Born 05/25/0000)

Betsy Otero Garcia

Betsy & Luis

Hilda Christina Voluntad Elmore (Born 12/15/0000)

Tina & Sergia

Vicente Martinez (Born 10/20/1887)

The family, the year of the picure is a guess - about 1932
Vicente & Family

Monserrate Gonzalez Martinez (04/22/1889 - 01/01/1928)

Monserrate Gonzalez Martinez

Maria Cruz (Titi Sita) Martinez Rodriguez (Born 01/01/1899)

Titi Sita & Sergio
Stoping to smell the roses
Titi Sita
In her backyard on 111th.
Titi Sita
In her backyard on 111th. (about 1970's)
Titi Sita
Titi Sita, Cristobal, Anita, Felix, Genaro, Zurma, Gilly
Christmas Get Together
Cristobal, Anita, Genaro, Patricio, Thelma, Vicente
Christmas Get Together

Cristoba Rodriguez (11/16/1904 - 03/08/1971)

Cristobal & Daughter Rita
Is in the center, third from the left - more info needed
Cristobal Rodriguez

Patricio (Pat) Martinez (03/17/1913 - 01/26/1985)

Young Pat

Thelma Felicitas Martinez (04/14/1914 - 03/06/2006)

Mary far right, Aurora (Lole)left rear, Thelma (left),Angie
Jorge Family

The Sisters

Pastor (Pop) Martinez (03/30/1918 - 11/11/1994)

Estamos Charlie, los nenes y yo. Rec. Pastor
Pop & Charlie Torres
Old Navy picture of Pop, the date is approximate
If Pop was having a good time he was usually in backyard
Pastor, Felix
Pop n Crew
Weekend shooting pool, eating and drinking of course
Pop and Vicente

Magdalena Almodovar Martinez (08/28/1919 - 05/10/1987)

Magdalena Martinez
Pastor, Galen & Butch
Young Family
Galen & Hiram (Grandma & Butch) late 40's early 50's
Up on the roof top - New York
Picture was taken in the early 80's.

Isabel (Chabe) Martinez Viera (01/01/1922 - 01/01/2006)

Pastor,Hirum, Isabel
Isabel (Chabe) with (left to right) Eddie, Hirum, Patty
The Group
Isabel and Lydia (Lydia Torres)
Chabe y Lydia

Juan D. (Jonny) Martinez (Born 01/01/1927)

Note by Thelma on photo simply says "aquí está poocho"
Poocho on a porch in P.R.

Vicente Rodriguez (Born 01/01/1929)


Carmen, Puchie, Vicente

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