Abelardo Almodovar

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Born: Puerto Rico Certified Father: Silverio Almodovar
Died: Certified Mother: Salome Colon Almodovar
Children: Guillerma Almodovar (Born 00/00/1896)
Evangelia Almodovar (Born 00/00/1900)
Florentino Almodovar (Born 00/00/1902)
Alejandrina Almodovar (Born 00/00/1907)
Juan Almodovar (Born 00/00/1908)
Sixta Almodovar (02/07/1912 - 08/25/1990)
Magdalena Almodovar Martinez (08/28/1919 - 05/10/1987)

Juana Santos Almodovar Certified


1910 Census Ponce (Marueno)
Almodovar y Colon Abelardo 32 yrs old with Santos y de ????? Juana 30 yrs old and their children
Almodovar y Santos Florentino abt. 1902, Juan abt. 1908, Guillerma abt. 1896, Evangelia abt. 1900, and Alejandrina abt. 1907.

1920 Census Ponce (Marueno)
Almodovar y Colon Abelardo 40 yrs old with Santos y de Jesus Juana 38 yrs old and their children
Almodovar y Santos Leandra abt. 1906, Juan abt. 1910, Luisa abt. 1912, Sixta abt. 1914, Andrea abt. 1917, and Magdalena abt. 1919.

1930 Census Penuelas (Rucio)
Almodovar y Colon Abelardo 55 yrs old with Santos y de Jesus Juana 38 yrs old and their children
Almodovar y COLON Magdalena abt. 1919, Monserrate abt. 1922 and Ana abt. 1924.

I have the birth records of Luisa and Sixta Almodovar Santos, they are both born in Ponce, both registered on July 1913, their parents are Abelardo and Juana Santos Perez (Juana is documented as Santos Perez) the paternal grandparents are Silverio Almodovar and Salome Colon, the maternal grandparents are Inocencio Santos and Juana Perez from Ponce. Both grandfathers are deceased and grandmothers are living at this point.

I found a Salome Colon Maldonado in Ponce in 1910, she had two children named Ventura Almodovar Colon abt. 1890 and Miguel Almodovar Colon abt 1896, but the records document her husband as Bibiano Almodovar Rivera (50 yrs). I viewed the death record of Bibiano, he died in Ponce 1918, the record states that he is 70 yrs old, soltero, hijo de Antonio Almodovar, no conoce los abuelos...
I would need to research further to find descendants and other information.

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