Florentino Almodovar

(Born 00/00/1902)

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Born: 00/00/1902 Certified Father: Abelardo Almodovar (Born 00/00/0000)
Died: Certified Mother: Juana Santos Almodovar
Children: Siblings: Guillerma Almodovar (Born 00/00/1896)
Evangelia Almodovar (Born 00/00/1900)
Alejandrina Almodovar (Born 00/00/1907)
Juan Almodovar (Born 00/00/1908)
Sixta Almodovar (02/07/1912 - 08/25/1990)
Magdalena Almodovar Martinez (08/28/1919 - 05/10/1987)



1910 Census Ponce (Marueno)

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