Isabel (Chabe) Martinez Viera

(01/01/1922 - 01/01/2006)

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Born: 01/01/1922 in Ponce, Puerto Rico Certified Father: Vicente Martinez (Born 10/20/1887)
Died: 01/01/2006 Certified Mother: Monserrate Gonzalez Martinez (04/22/1889 - 01/01/1928)
Children: Wendy Marie Viera (Died 01/01/1996)
Siblings: Patricio (Pat) Martinez (03/17/1913 - 01/26/1985)
Pastor (Pop) Martinez (03/30/1918 - 11/11/1994)
Felix Martinez (Born 07/16/1921)
Joaquina (Quin) Martinez Guzman (01/01/1924 - 01/01/2008)
Juan D. (Jonny) Martinez (Born 01/01/1927)

Charles (Charlie) Viera on 01/01/1957 in New York Certified


Image Gallery

Pastor,Hirum, Isabel
Isabel (Chabe) with (left to right) Eddie, Hirum, Patty
The Group
Isabel and Lydia (Lydia Torres)
Chabe y Lydia

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